
Greed Over People . . . GOP

It seems odd to me that all of those Christian activists (from the 80s) who complained so much about backward, demonic lyrics in rock and roll and rap songs don't seem to have an issue with all of the overt advertisements that tell people to be bad.  It seems quite hypocritical that they took groups like Judas Priest to court over some muddled message that could only be understood if you played the record backwards, but not said a word about advertisements that openly attempt to influence the public. Think about this:  It is a marketing firms job to get people to believe the message in their commercials and they are advertising bad behavior.  It's not their job to possibly influence behavior or maybe get a few people to lean towards whatever product they're peddling.  It is their job to get as many people as possible to not only buy the product, but to also buy the implied way of life that their product promises . . . and it works.  Otherwise, we would not hav...

Democratic Downfall

    America has been an enduring and shining beacon for democracy throughout the world.  It has been an exemplary template for other countries that sought to create a democratic society that suited their needs, culturally and spiritually.  This has been America’s destiny since its inception, at which point our founding fathers declared our collective independence from a monarch who only served himself.  In recent decades however, our democracy has been hijacked by an elite few who would have all Americans serve their selfish needs.  These individuals only motivation is greed that takes the form of love for money, the need for power and the desire to dominate all others.  It is a game to them, in which the winner takes all and the ends justifies the means, no matter what those means entail.  In their cynical, twisted view of the world, all others will bow down to them, be diminished by them or perish at their hands.     Where this downw...

Who's policing the police?

Click on blue highlights for more information As frustrating as the decision of grand jury in Ferguson was, America must face a much larger issue: An issue that's not only festering, but seems to be metastasizing in large cities around the United States of America.  It is an underlying illness with symptoms that manifest in decisions made by Darren Scott on the day that Michael Brown died, and choices made by George Zimmerman in regards to Trayvon Martin.  Though these acts do warrant reaction(s), they are merely the result of actions taken or lack thereof by our current leadership. As with any behavior, those bad behaviors that go unpunished might as well be labeled as good behaviors. When bankers lie and commit fraud to not only enrich themselves, but to also cause harm to others and their punishment is to be allowed to change the laws in such a manner as to legalize their thefts, the majority suffers. When prison corporations invoke their ability to lobby for laws...

Stop Ted Cruz

To all supporters, The petition is still building momentum and now the organization MoveOn is getting behind it by offering to assist in my efforts to reach out to like-minded individuals who hope for a brighter furture.  I intend to deliver this petition to progressive organizations (ie. MoveOn, Democracy for America, etc) to build a consensus about Senator Ted Cruz and the harm he and others like him are causing our great country.  If anyone out there can suggest or recommend any other influential sources to which I should deliver this petition, please feel free to let me know. At this time, I am preparing press releases to announce these effort and hopefully garner interest from local and national news media.  What I need from you guys is to continue to share the link for this petition ( ), because we don't need Ted Cruz gaining traction in any way, shape or form.  He has shown that he is not worthy to hold a position of ...

This is what excessive wealth buys

Sheldon Adelson is working on a deal to develop a Las Vegas style gambling center in Spain (called Euro Vegas) where gambling has been banned for moral reasons.  He has already built an similar gambling center in Macau (People's Republic of China),  which helped Adelson build his wealth of approximately $25 billion dollars.  In Macau, his attempts to manipulate the government have drawn scrutiny from federal and Nevada investigators, but this has not deterred him from moving on with his plans for Spain.  Besides being an apparent manipulation of desperate people and countries, doesn't this all seem apocalyptic?  A man with more money than he, his family or generations of his family could ever spend seeks to accumulate even more wealth.  What is the point of his greed?  If Adelson showed an inordinate amount of philanthropy like Charles F. Feeney or even a more modest amount of philanthropy like Bill and Melinda Gates (which is still extraordinary), ...

Just an update to my Romney Ryan campaign poster

So the republicans don't seem to mind Todd Akin's offensive remarks about what he calls "Legitimate Rape".  If they were truly opposed to what he said, why would they now be getting behind his campaign.  The GOP is corrupt and they aren't even good at hiding this fact. While the say their new voter ID laws are to prevent voter fraud, the only cases of fraud being investigated are those created by consulting agencies employed by the RNC.  They continue to promote the idea of Trickle down, while this practice has only led to more inequality and wealth redistribution, which, by the way, they say they are opposed to so adamantly.  The idea of withholding emergency funds after a disaster comes from one of the leaders (Eric Cantor) of the republican party.  Their candidate for president is for lower taxes on the wealthy and higher taxes for the middle class down.  The list goes on and on and on and the republican tactic is to push a bunch of bills that the p...

Stand Up or Stand By

    If our leaders refuse to take action, we must.  America is falling behind the rest of the world in so many ways it's difficult to name them all, but here are a few:  Our roads and bridges are catastrophes in waiting; poverty is on the rise after decades of supply side or trickle down economics; the banks have taken millions of homes away from families who now live in cars, motels or on the street; we incarcerate non-violent offenders and illegal immigrants at alarming rates that serve only to disenfranchise far too many of our fellow citizens; our laws seem to protect and represent only the most affluent in society more than not and seem immoral upon close scrutiny.  And, all the while, we're all forced to live by the actions of fewer than 600 people, who oftentimes have agendas which are not conducive to a cohesive, fair and compassionate leadership.     We can sit, watch and wait as things continue to get worse for the majority or the...