
Walker's Goals

These are the three things that Governor Walker will accomplish with his bill: 1)  No unions, less power for democrats: We will be down to one party, because the GOP will still have corporate support and corporations don't care about people, they only care about profit. 2)  The residents of Wisconsin will be less educated: Who would want to become a teacher given the attacks and salary and benefit cut that they face all of the time. 3)  He will have started a trend of taking from those who don't have money so those who do can preserve their accounts: Where is the logic in taking from the poor and middle class, while not even considering taking the wealthy and super wealthy.  This kind of reasoning is not healthy for society unless its a feudal one. It's actions like Walker's that have caused me to lose faith in this country's ability to remain strong.  It's inaction or or misguided action from those poor and middle class who voted for people like W...

Re: Wisconsin

I hear what you're saying and I believe that the Republicans are (maybe not intentionally) systematically going to make Americans dumber and they are trying to further divide the classes by helping the rich who benefited from this economic crisis even richer BUT I don't see the democratic party in D.C. standing against these threats. The Democrates almost feel like silent partners in what I see as a system that will look like the middle east in a few years. For this and other reasons, I feel it quite ridiculous for you to solicit me for money. I donated to Ian's pizza in Wisconsin to help people who are fighting for their rights and indirectly (but visibly) fighting for mine. Sincerely, Chris Ossman (democrate) Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry From: "Robby Mook, DCCC Executive Director" <> Date: Sat, 5 Mar 2011 17:26:18 +0000 To: Chris Ossman<> ReplyTo: Subject: FW: Wisconsin ...

Bills, bills, bills

@fabianaugustus: The Mayan calendar predicts that world will end on Dec. 21, 2011, so I will pays my bills on Dec 22. Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Go Bama!

I for one cannot wait to hear the State of the Union address. Although I had my doubts about the effectiveness of the Obama administration, I can feel the optimism I felt when he was first elected seeping back into my psyche. It could be that fact that I have found work (albeit) temporary that is fitting of my education and experience, but I believe that it goes deeper than that. Although I am still suspicious of the motivations of our elected officials, I think that enough of them are trying to do what's best for our nations population. That being said, I continue to wonder what the GOP expected to accomplish with their symbolic vote to repeal the Healthcare Act. Republican arguments fly in the face of logic, which dictates that for our country to be strong, its citizens must be strong. America needs the support of Americans and it will only get that support if its inhabitants are happy, healthy and well-represented. For those who oppose these "mandates", whether...


I called House Speaker John Biehner today to ask him why his party is trying to repeal Obama's HCR Act.  I don't understand why the Republicans would waste Taxpayer dollars fighting a battle that they cannot win, especially when they aren't even offering an alternative.  There are much more pressing matters that deserve their attention and I believe that this first "BIG" act from the GOP is sign of things to come:  More problems and fewer solutions.  When I called his number however, I got his answering machine which might not have been so bad except for the fact that his answering machine has an answering machine and that machine was full of messages and couldn't take mine.  Go figure.

Term Limits: How about Familia Limts?

I've heard people talk about term limits for political office and while this is all well and good, I believe it does not go far enough.  How about limiting the number of consecutive terms members of a particular family can be in office.  I for one do not look forward to having another Bush as President; in this case I imagine it will be Jeb in 2016.  I also believe that the Bush family might have chosen to endorse Jeb as opposed to the one "We the People" suffered through from 2000 to 2008.  I think that in the particular example that I have mentioned, the country would be spared the indulgences of a clan that only seeks to promote its own self interests and the worst part of it is that they get away with it.  When is starting a war, based on lies and deceit not the action of a criminal?

Are the Republicans Representing the "Will" of the People?

The GOP claims that the Health Care Reform Repeal Bill is the mandate that was implied by the results of the past mid-term elections, but is this truly what the American public wants.  While some may not be completely satisfied with the watered down version of the Health Care Reform Act (no public option)  that did pass, it was at minimum a step in the right direction.  For far too long, America's Health Care system have failed too many of its citizens and the strides that the Obama administration has made in this regard is a welcomed change to what "We the People", got the 8 years prior (war, debt, reduction in the middle class).  In my humble opinion, when all of those fixtures on Capitol Hill complain and fight so adamantly, as the Republicans and Big Business have, against ideas such as those proposed by the Obama administration, the ideas must be helping wrong people (in the Republicans eyes).  These bills and reform acts must be actually helping the people...