
Two Friends 
In the later part of the 1940's, there were a couple
of dogs that were brought to the attention of the of
the people of Russia.  "Style", as translated was a
beautiful black and tan, female German Shepherd
that didn't know she was supposed to be vicious.
The lack of a mean streak was in fact the
reason for her fate, as well as that her companion.
Tobius, the Dobberman Pincer, although much more
intimidating was even friendlier.  This male could never
do the bidding of his masters, because he had never
grown out of puppy-hood.  The only thing that he exhibited
any skill for was annoying the shepherd.  Sometimes he
paid the price for his playfulness when messing with the bitch,
but more often than not, she simply tolerated his painful nips
and other intrusions.  Inseparable, the pair had unwittingly
locked their destinies.
    Showing a modicum of compassion, the state pampered
these two canines; treated them better than sixty percent of
the population in what was then, the Soviet Union.  Each dog
had the equivalent of an au pair, that attended to their every
need, which was determined by the behavior patterns
observed over a period of several years.  As for the pairs
nutrition, both ate better than the very people commissioned
with their training, which consisted solely of sitting still while
electrodes and conduction pads were attached to shaved
areas of their bodies.  When compared to the average dog,
they had it made and had things ended differently, both would
have, most likely lived longer than the average dog.
    Longevity however would not be a word that could be used
to describe the lives of these two friends, at least one of them.
And quality of life would not be an appropriate phrase for the
other one, as will be detailed in the following paragraphs.  And
though the experiment was intended to advance safety in 
aviation, this would be of little consolation to its detractors, who
condemned the scientists, engineers and government officials
who sanctioned and financed it.  Their protestations however,
would come too late to save either animal, but the conscience
of the scientific community was put on trial in the court of public
opinion:  The outcome of which was a scathing report on the
moral and ethical ramifications of animal experimentation, which
to sweeping reforms and the Animal Testing Act of 1950.  How
this all came to pass is simply a matter of information becoming
declassified.  In 1946, footage of the experiment conducted on
these dogs was released to the public, causing a halstrom of
protest by animal rights groups, country wide.  It was this
reaction that caused the Kremlin to re-evaulate what, if any
information it would share with the public.  In essence, it was
the fallout that lead to the iron curtain mentally that perpetuated
the distrust that would plague the relationship between the Soviet
Union and the United States into the 1990's.  Some argue that
it was this incident and not the actual relationship between the then
two largest super powers in the world that started the cold war. 
 (To Be Continued)


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