
Where's the Magic?

After you read this post, visit the "Stories" page for the next part of my original story "Choices". I’ve lived in Miami a long time, so I believe that I am qualified to point out this city’s biggest shortfall. I don’t think I am the only person to realize this, and perhaps that’s why I am so puzzled as to why this idea has never truly surfaced in the past. Maybe, those who know it have simply accepted it as something that could never be changed or maybe those who care about such things have simply decided to leave. To me, the city’s lack of amenities for the residents and tourists alike is what keeps Miami from being considered on par with the likes of New York and other big cities of the world. For my part, I stopped inviting family and friends to visit years ago, because one of the few things that I could suggest when they arrived was to jump in a rental car and drive up to Orlando. The alternatives were Key West or South Beach, but there is only so much loun

Great Expectations

At this point in life, I thought that I would have a clear picture of where I wanted to be, but to my dismay, this has not proven to be the case.  I thought I would enjoy what I studied in college, but that couldn't be further from the truth.  For this reason, I am still trying to figure out what it is that I am good at and something for which I have a great passion.  Some, who know me well have seen how much I like to discuss the world, human interaction, art, music, technology, philosophy and much more, others would say that I don't speak that often.  This second group however is not really listening and they have every right not to listen, but they could never say they "KNOW" me.  Others still believe that I should pursue a career in art and I would have years back had I felt it were a lucrative field, but truth be told, it isn't lucrative for most artists.  Given these limited choices of talking for a career or painting, I've decided to go in another direc

I M Getting Organized

My apologies for not updating the "Stories Page" as well as the "Dreams Page" I have been focused on producing an audition tape for a new show on the Oprah Winfrey Network. I have updated the "Stories Page" with the next installment of my story "Choices" and I will be updating the "Dreams Page" on Monday. I will try to update IM2 Opinionated every weekday. Eventually, I will provide a schedule for the various topics that will be addressed on the blog. As far as the daily topic is concerned, these will be discussed on the "Home Page" and will be transferred to their respective page once a new article is posted. Please vote for my by clicking on the link above the video below. You don't have to watch the video each time, but please vote as often as you can and tell your friends to do the same. Thank you Chris I would love to have my OWN show I started this blog as a way to get my opinions heard, because I bel