
We should have been proactive Instead of reactive

I am glad that George Floyd's murder is being more thoroughly investigated. I think the police coroner who implied that Floyd was not healthy enough to be asphyxiated for 9 minutes should also be investigated as an accomplice. Once this case ends, however, what will happen to all of the other black men in America who must still face systemic racism that is supported by the wealthy because cops don't kill for free. Topics: Segment 1 – Excerpt from solutions The Introduction Links: Confessions of an economic hitman: A book that details how American foreign policy has poached the wealth and treasure of other nations in "service" of the American population. 44% of working Americans make $18,000 dollars or less. Maybe we should stop blaming those who take poverty wages for their pov

Police brutality is paid for

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Police Murders only occur because someone condones them!

Stop giving our wealth to the rich

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Who Owns Earth's Resources And Where's My Cut

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