

I called House Speaker John Biehner today to ask him why his party is trying to repeal Obama's HCR Act.  I don't understand why the Republicans would waste Taxpayer dollars fighting a battle that they cannot win, especially when they aren't even offering an alternative.  There are much more pressing matters that deserve their attention and I believe that this first "BIG" act from the GOP is sign of things to come:  More problems and fewer solutions.  When I called his number however, I got his answering machine which might not have been so bad except for the fact that his answering machine has an answering machine and that machine was full of messages and couldn't take mine.  Go figure.

Term Limits: How about Familia Limts?

I've heard people talk about term limits for political office and while this is all well and good, I believe it does not go far enough.  How about limiting the number of consecutive terms members of a particular family can be in office.  I for one do not look forward to having another Bush as President; in this case I imagine it will be Jeb in 2016.  I also believe that the Bush family might have chosen to endorse Jeb as opposed to the one "We the People" suffered through from 2000 to 2008.  I think that in the particular example that I have mentioned, the country would be spared the indulgences of a clan that only seeks to promote its own self interests and the worst part of it is that they get away with it.  When is starting a war, based on lies and deceit not the action of a criminal?

Are the Republicans Representing the "Will" of the People?

The GOP claims that the Health Care Reform Repeal Bill is the mandate that was implied by the results of the past mid-term elections, but is this truly what the American public wants.  While some may not be completely satisfied with the watered down version of the Health Care Reform Act (no public option)  that did pass, it was at minimum a step in the right direction.  For far too long, America's Health Care system have failed too many of its citizens and the strides that the Obama administration has made in this regard is a welcomed change to what "We the People", got the 8 years prior (war, debt, reduction in the middle class).  In my humble opinion, when all of those fixtures on Capitol Hill complain and fight so adamantly, as the Republicans and Big Business have, against ideas such as those proposed by the Obama administration, the ideas must be helping wrong people (in the Republicans eyes).  These bills and reform acts must be actually helping the people...

Nothing's Interesting

Can one get excited about anything these days? Maybe I should be more specific. Can anyone get excited about anything that isn't a material possession these days? I for one, have my doubts. It seems that since all of mankind's current knowledge was put on the internet, it became very uninteresting. Think about it. An individual can find out anything about anything and what do most people spend their time doing? Watching Youtube and the plethora of boobs (not breasts) that make stupid faces or act outrageous for no reason than to act outrageous. And I can't say that I blame them or disagree with them because I have wasted my fair share of time on the Star Wars kid; Fred and the many other stupid, yet funny viral videos. Maybe the reason for the Internet (scientific discovery and collaboration) should reconsidered. Maybe people would feel more of a thirst for knowledge if it weren't so readily available. Like they say absence make the heart grow fonder. Sent f...

Stop the Madness

I think the world has gone mad and I believe that the proof is in advertising. If you think we're out of the recession, you could be right, but what you would have failed to realize is that advertisers believe we should go for another spin. Why else would there be ads encouraging the unemployed to go out and buy a new car. I'm not talking about some local unscrupulous, sleazy car salesman, these ads are from a major auto manufacturer. The woman in the commercial I am thinking of actually claims that she got laid off earlier in the year, so she decided to buy a new car. Now, I understand that it is most likely a complete necessity to have a reliable means of transportation, but it also seems that there should be a feasible alternative to buying a brand new car.  This commercial doesn't sound reasonable from a business standpoint?   What it sound like is an ad for a check cashing place, but I doubt that even a check cashing place would take checks from the unemployed....

Who wants to live forever?

Ever notice that the older you get, the younger your parents look. . .At least relatively. I look at older people, at least in their sixties and I realize that they look as old as their parents. An 80 year old mother looks more like the sister of her 60 year old daughter. Why would anyone choose to live longer with that possibility looming on the horizon? Let's say you could live until you were 200 years old. Your age would most likely be indistinguishable from that of your 220 year old mom or your dad for that matter. Personally, I think I would prefer to go out while I still look younger than my folks. What do you guys think? Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


    When did we become a country of bureaucracy? Why is certification such a big industry these days? Don't misunderstand me, I believe that certain industries do require some means of proving a professional's skills, especially in fields in which there are technological advances made on a regular basis or frequent updates to theories and/or methodology.  For example, a doctor should be up to date with the latest medical findings or the newest diagnostic equipment.  Engineers should have a grasp on the latest construction methods and materials related to their discipline, but why would an unarmed security guard need a license?     Now, I do believe that they should have background checks, but how long could it take to teach someone how to use a timeclock or how to write an incident report? I was an unarmed security guard while I was in college and the only thing they taught me was how to dial 911. And if you look at the security guards out ...