Term Limits: How about Familia Limts?

I've heard people talk about term limits for political office and while this is all well and good, I believe it does not go far enough.  How about limiting the number of consecutive terms members of a particular family can be in office.  I for one do not look forward to having another Bush as President; in this case I imagine it will be Jeb in 2016.  I also believe that the Bush family might have chosen to endorse Jeb as opposed to the one "We the People" suffered through from 2000 to 2008.  I think that in the particular example that I have mentioned, the country would be spared the indulgences of a clan that only seeks to promote its own self interests and the worst part of it is that they get away with it.  When is starting a war, based on lies and deceit not the action of a criminal?


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