Nothing's Interesting

Can one get excited about anything these days? Maybe I should be more specific. Can anyone get excited about anything that isn't a material possession these days? I for one, have my doubts. It seems that since all of mankind's current knowledge was put on the internet, it became very uninteresting. Think about it. An individual can find out anything about anything and what do most people spend their time doing? Watching Youtube and the plethora of boobs (not breasts) that make stupid faces or act outrageous for no reason than to act outrageous. And I can't say that I blame them or disagree with them because I have wasted my fair share of time on the Star Wars kid; Fred and the many other stupid, yet funny viral videos. Maybe the reason for the Internet (scientific discovery and collaboration) should reconsidered. Maybe people would feel more of a thirst for knowledge if it weren't so readily available. Like they say absence make the heart grow fonder.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


  1. I get excited about non-material things daily. Hourly even. And I rarely watch You Tube.

    I suppose that means I'm awesome.

  2. You are Awesome! Thanks for commenting


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