My Twitter Account
I am getting much better at expressing myself in 140 words or less. I try to stay current with what is going on around the country, especially with all of the attacks that recently elected GOP governors are making on the 'working class', poor (which is bleed into the working class), the elderly "Granma's gotta pay!", teachers (who might not be the best people to teach our kids . . . after all, they're staying in a profession that comes under fire year after year and they lose ground every single time) and even philanthropists "if you can afford to give to the needy, you can afford to give to the government", whose donations might soon be taxed in one or two states. Now, I intend to continue to blog here, although I have been slacking as of late, but I TWEET daily, because there are so many things that piss me off in the news everyday and instead of blurting out a string of curse words, I blurt out a string of ideas that counter some of the BS being...