Who wants to live forever?

Ever notice that the older you get, the younger your parents look. . .At least relatively. I look at older people, at least in their sixties and I realize that they look as old as their parents. An 80 year old mother looks more like the sister of her 60 year old daughter. Why would anyone choose to live longer with that possibility looming on the horizon? Let's say you could live until you were 200 years old. Your age would most likely be indistinguishable from that of your 220 year old mom or your dad for that matter. Personally, I think I would prefer to go out while I still look younger than my folks. What do you guys think?
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


  1. That may be true, but when older men get plastic surgery, they look like older women (Al Pancino, Kenny Rogers)and when older women get plastic surgery, it always looks like it caught them by surprise (any older woman that has gotten plastic surgery)


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