RAD Dictionary


ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council) noun


1.    A nonpartisan, Republican organization that facilitates the buying and selling of legislators or legislation.

2.    Defunct, debunked, lie.

Americant noun


1.    Any safety net, assistance program or any program that doesn’t benefit the rich that America provided to it's citizens in the last century but no longer provides and/or demonizes as Socialism in this century.

            See also Ameriwont noun

Ameritocrisy noun


                  1.    America's ruling class

        Ameriwont noun


1.    Any safety net, assistance program or any program that doesn’t benefit the rich that America provided to it's citizens in the last century but no longer provides and/or  demonizes as Socialism in this century.


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    Capitannibalism noun

    1.     A feature of Capitalism in which capitalist entities devour one another.
    Related:    Capitannibalism can best be described by the phrase “If you’re not growing, you’re dying”, which is to                                         say,  if your company isn’t getting bigger, another company is and will swallow your company whole
    ChurchinState verb


    1.    The integration of faith in Government and leaders who never keep campaign promises.
    NOTE: Often confused with the term “Separation of Church and State, this term refers to the illogical belief of voters
    that their lives will be better after the next “most important election of their lifetime”.


    kli·mət chãnj

    1.    An ecological disaster created by corporations, industrialists and bad leaders as a means to satisfy their greed.

   Conflicts of interest noun (double entendre)

   kän-flikts əv ‘in-(ə-)rəst

            1.    When a member of Congress use their knowledge to make illicit gains (ie. on the stock market) or profit                                                garnered from illicit gains (ie. on the stock market)

    Also see – Pelosied

   Also see - Insider Traitor

    Corruptibalism noun

    1.    The act of one corrupt source prosecuting or attacking another corrupt source.
    Example: Michael Bloomberg attacking Donald Trump for illicit business practices, sexual harassment, etc.

    Corruptocracy noun

    kə·rəpt·        ä·krə·se

   1.    A democracy at the end-stages of Capitalism. See - America



   de·klə·rã·shən əv in·də·pen·dənts

1.    Republican Party doctrine which states that there is no need to help the needy.  It requires that services meant to help individuals (the poor, elderly, disabled) not be provided:  Whether seeking funds to attain a degree  higher than primary and secondary education or loans to start a business or simply providing funds to avoid becoming homeless, THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENTS forbids any such attempts.

2.    A Christian philosophy according to republican leaders like Paul Ryan, a self-admitted follower of atheist author Ayn Rand who now denies his praise for her.

    Demblues noun

    1.    The sadness one experiences when voting "blue no matter who"

             DeMOCKrazy noun

     di·        mä·krə·se

     1.    A political system that pretends to represent a nation of people who are krazy enough to              believe their best interests are being acted upon.

       2.    Any democratic voter who believes “voting blue no matter who” does anything but leave that voter blue.

    Democratic Party noun

    de·mə·kra·eek pär·ty
    1.     A political party that watches the Republican Party screw over everyone except the Wealthy.
    2.    A political party that watches the Republican party say and do crazy shit.

            Deniables noun

   1.    Any argument in which people or groups cloak themselves as a means to avoid accountability     for their words or actions.
         Usage: The deniables of the public servants in Washington D.C. were on full display as all feigned ignorance when indicted for insider trading as the means with which they attained hundreds of thousands, millions, tens of  millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars while earning no more than three hundred thousand per year.
Usage: Deniables have the tendency to ease one’s mind, similar to the affects of edibles.

    Disposable Income noun

    di·spo·zə·bəl in·kəm
    1.    Money consumers spend on products that don't last (TVs, cellular phones, health insurance, etc.).
    2.    Most money paid in taxes


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   Factsination noun

   1.    A technique used by influential news sources to inoculate the masses against the truth.                      Historically, administered between 6 – 9 pm, but delivered 24-hours a day as a recent                      phenomenon.

     Fiatzi noun

           1.    A person, group, organization, state, nation or entity that adheres to a zealous belief in a                    currency that is backed by nothing but decree or the threat of violence

           Feeneyism adjective

     1.    A rich person who considers the ramifications of their excessive wealth and takes                            action(s) 
     2.   to remediate it's most negative impacts.
           Related - Derived from the actions of Charles (Chuck) Feeney AKA The only good                                     billionaire - a man worth eight (8) billion dollars who gave it all away to charities                             while still alive.
            Free Slave noun
            free ‘slãv
                1.    American employees who must stay with their job til death do they part. Indications of free slavery include                       living to work instead of working to live, having to work on your days off, wearing clothing of which you                           had no input on it's design.
                Related to -     Though similar, free slavery is a more Humane version of it's historical counterpart Slavery which                                        peaked in the 1850s. Other than the beatings, mutilations and will nilly murders, free slavery differs                                     in that the slave  owners no longer pay room and board for their slaves. They instead extract wealth                                     from the slaves  through vehicles like COVID-19, and luxuries such as "ownership" by utilizing tax                                     breaks and military adventurism in countries most Americans can't tell if they're real or not.
                 Also see – Neo-slavery, wage slave

            Full-time Homeless noun

                fůl-’t-eye-m hōm·ləs

           1.    Homeless people working full-time jobs who still can't pay for shelter.

           Also see - Lifeviction


        GAFFE-FACTORY noun

        gaf fa k -(        ə)ree

        1.    An international speaking tour of Mitt Romney, Donald Trump, George W. Bush or Nancy Pelosi

        Global Economy noun

        glō b  e     i·’ kä-ne-mee
        1.    Monetary system used by the rich to screw over the 99%.
        2.    System of economic growth that promoted national disloyalty as a means for prosperity

        Gentrifuckation noun

        jen -tra -        ə-’kay-shən

            1.    When families that have lived in a community for generations can no longer afford to live
              in the neighborhood in which they grew up.


               Hindsightinitialism noun


       1.    When your first choice is the worst choice.

        NOTE:    Created by Hindsight Hillary, because the majority of the initial decisions made by the politician

        1.    Hillary Clinton were proven by history to be the wrong decisions.

        Homelessnesslessness adjective \ˈhōm-ləs-nəs-ləs-nəs\ (also called, Homeless Squared or Doubly Homeless)


        1.    When a homeless person or family gets kicked out of the tent city or outdoor community they moved into after         being evicted.
        2.    Have been made homeless twice, usually in the following order: Once by corrupt business practices of                        immoral banks and then by the government (federal, state, local, etc)
  1.   Cause(s) - Corruption, greed and inequality.

         Hypocrolypse, noun

         1.    Slang, circa 2017, the downfall of society caused by blatant hypocrisy.


    Ignore Rant noun

          ig-’nór rant

          1.    Any argument devoid of facts, empirical data or even anecdotal evidence.

          Related: Easily ignored. Can and most likely should be ignored.


        Immoral Legality noun

        (.)i(m)-mór-·əl li-’ga-lə-tee
1.    A system of regulation that causes harm to the majority through the implementation of immoral laws which only serve a minority.

        Implie intransitive verb

1.    To lie indirectly
2.    to involve or indicate by making an untrue statement with intent to deceive
3.    to create a false or misleading impression

      Insider Traitor noun

      (.)in-s-eye-dər tray-tər

      1.    Any member of Congress that uses their station within the Government to make illicit                millions.
Also see – Pelosied
Also see - Conflicts of interest

         Inequanomics noun

    The misguided belief that a few rich people can match the spending power of hundreds of millions of                  consumers.  An example would be a comparison between the daily spending of the 400 richest people in                  America and the 150 million people this elite group's wealth equals:  For every meal, tank of gas, car, home,              clothing purchase, there is no way in which these 400 individuals could ever spend as much as 150 million              people.  Even if each of these 400 wealthiest people bought the most expensive of any of the items mentioned          above and supported families consisting of 100 members each, their spending would still only amount to                  40,000 people versus that of 150,000,000 people.


    Job Creator noun

    jäb  kre-a-ter
    1.    Slang, circa 2012, term used to justify funneling money away from the poor and middle classes in order to further    enrich the wealthy.
    2.   Myth 
    1.    Slang, circa 2012, term used to justify funneling money away from the poor and middle classes in order to further    enrich the wealthy.


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   Lifeviction noun


        1.    Any eviction that occurs to a person or persons involuntarily living in the street, in a vehicle or         any temporary encampment.

        See - Full-time Homeless

        Homeless people working full-time jobs who still can't pay for shelter.

    Liberty Slave noun

    li-bər-tee slãv

   1.    An individual incarcerated and made to do free labor in a country where Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of     Happiness are usurped by laws written "By, For and Of the Private Prison Corporations."

    Loan Shark noun

    lōn shärk

    1.    Any bank labeled as "Too Big To Fail" that issues credit cards with excessive interest rates which are deemed           illegal if utilized by the mob.


            Modern day slavery noun

            mä-dərn dã ‘slã-v(ə-)ree

            1.     A system in which convicted criminals (mostly non-violent) are made to work for multi million-dollar                               corporations and state agencies for next to nothing because they are not protected from slavery under the 13th                    Amendment.


    Neo -Feudalism noun

    nee-ō-fyü-də- li-zəm

    1.    A system similar to Feudalism, inclusive of all forms of commerce (not simply land ownership) but lacking the       titles of nobility of its predecessor.

      2.    A period in the 21st century of American history when all commerce was controlled by supremely wealthy                individuals and/or corporations.  Examples cited include, food production (85% of the beef industry was controlled by 4 corporations66% of the pork industry controlled by 4 corporations and 60% of the poultry industry is controlled by 4 corporations), large retail or wholesale stores such as BJ’s, etc.

      Neo-Slavery noun

      neō ‘slã-v(ə-)ree
1.    A modern-era use of labor attained through higher rates of incarceration (legitimate or not), impoverishment of        the population, and zealot adherence to the will of an Oligarchy.

       Related – Also known as “Modern Slavery”

      The NO Standard noun

      thə nō ‘stan-dərd
1.    The monetary system upon which the United States' standard economic unit of account is            based. A currency back by a varying quantity of nothing.

            Nukular arms noun

            nü-kü-lər ärms
      1.    The types of arms that don't disintegrate when a nuclear bomb is dropped. Usually resistant               to the sunburn one would receive on the back of their neck during an atomic explosion.                     May sometimes be used to put out flames on clothing, if those flames are due to a nuclear                 bomb being dropped.
        Related - Not useful against regular fire.


                Optimistic-Pessimist noun

        äp-tə- ‘mi-stik-pe-sə-mist
      1.    One who knows Humanity can make the world a better place, but doubts that it will.

            Out of your jaw verb

    aůtvyůr ‘jó

          1.    The ability to make one’s mouth move faster then their mind.


    Pelosied verb


    1.    When a voter continually elects a leader despite the fact that the leader's record details just        how opposed her or his policies are to said voter's best interest.

    Related - Pelosied is interchangeable with McConnelled, Schumered, or AOCed

    Politrician verb

    1.    An act of atonement or exhibition of sorrow by a political, elected official or otherwise designated leader.
    NOTE: Usually only occurs when said politician, elected official or leader has been indicted, arrested, convicted or                 otherwise perceived as guilty of immoral or illegal acts.

    President of the United States noun

    pre-zə-dənt ‘əv thə yů-’ni-təd stãts

    1.    In the New Century, this term simply meant the “lesser of two evils”.

    Promiss noun


    1.    When a person of authority fails to fulfill a promise made.

  1. NOTE: Usually associated with campaign promises made by political candidates.


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        Republican Party noun

        ri-’pə-bli-kən pär-ty\

        1.    A political party that tells its constituents how it will screw over everyone except the wealthy.

        2.     A political party that says and does crazy shit.

        Responsible Homeowner noun

        ri-’spän(t)-sə-bəl hōm- ō-nər
1.    People who pay and/or paid their mortgages whether employed or otherwise.
2.    Designation used to appease constituents with upside down mortgages, who hadn’t lost their jobs.

        Romnesaur noun

        rōm-nee- sore

        1.    A creature with multiple heads.  Each head could speak the language of whomever it faced, except for the                    negroid.  This creature was especially dangerous to the Americanous Voterasaurus, which it devoured after                herding towards cliffs or pits called Trickle Downs.  Also had an uncanny ability to hoard and hide its                        possessions.

        2.     Sometimes referenced as a Hillarious Hindsighticus.

        Rush Limbo noun

        rəsh lim-(.)bō
1.    The Urgency with which the Republican Party hopes to keep the United States of America stuck in the                        Quagmire created by the Republican Party.


                Second Amendment noun

                se-kənd ə- ’men(d0-mənt
        1.    The "right of the people to keep and bear arms" 
not armaments.

        Self - Complacency adjective

        self-kəm-’ plã-sən(t)-see
1.     The act of ignoring actual or possibly bad things that could have an impact on one's self.
2.     Sometimes referred to as Ostrich Syndrome.

        Self - Mass Extinction noun

        self-mas ik-’ stin(k)-shən
1.    The act of causing extinction of one’s own species in a relatively short period of geological time, usually as a            consequence of a catastrophic global event, or an abrupt change in the environment

        Slumming it, nerb

        slə-min ‘it\
        1.    A means for the Super Rich to practice or prepare for the future they are creating.

        Supply Side/Trickle Down noun

        sə- ‘pli sid/’tri-kəl daun
1.     An economic policy in which the majority of taxpayers forfeit their own money, which is given to the rich                in 
hopes that the rich will in turn give some of this donated money back to the poor and middle class after said         poor and middle class have performed some labor or task for the rich.
2.    Myth


        Tax Incentive or Subsidy noun

        taks in-’sen-tiv OR səb-sə-dee
1.     Entitlement(s) paid to wealthy individuals and corporations.  In the early part of the 21st Century, tax                             incentives/subsidies went to corporations that outsourced labor, allowing those corporations to acquire more             money than certain deities.
2.     Reward(s) that inordinately benefitted the wealthy.


        Untied States of America noun

        ən-’ ti- ‘d stãts əv ə-’mer-ə-kə
1.     Formerly known as The United States of America which became unraveled due to insane greed.


        Vomment noun

        kä- ment

  1. Ideas or beliefs spewed by people who have no proof of their claims which are rarely based in fact or reality.


            Wage Slave noun

                way-j ‘slãv
        1.    An employee who must work or lose their ability to thrive and/or survive within the constraints of Capitalism
        2.     An individual who cannot retire at retirement age due to debt, low wages and bad leadership

                Also see – Neo-slavery, free slave

        Walled Off Well Off noun (also known as Gated Communities)

        wol-d off ‘wel off
1.    Areas where the "less than super rich" sequestered themselves starting in the
latter half of the 20th century.
2.    Also known as “WOWOs”
in the late 2000s, due to sounds that emanated from these homeowners whenever        a neighbor’s kid walked on their grass.

        Warzard noun (also known as Gated Communities)

        wol-d off ‘wel off
1.     Any person who can take one (1) or two (2) wars and turn it/them into many more wars.
2.     Any war hawk who can drop so many bombs, as to run out of bombs and still receive the Nobel peace prize.
NOTE 1:    The current record is held by President “O-Bomb-A” Obama, who turned two (2) wars into seven (7)                        and also holds the distinction of receiving the Nobel peace prize.
NOTE 2:     Notable trait of a Warzard is that they are always Christian.

        Whizdumb noun (also known as The Dunning-Kruger effect)

When stupid people “know” they’re right..

            Wellthy noun

      1.    A rich person who considers the ramifications of their excessive wealth and takes action(s)              to remediate it's most negative impacts.

            See – Feeneyism - Charles (Chuck) Feeney AKA The only good billionaire - a man worth          eight (8) billion dollars who gave it all away to charities before his death.


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  1. Class Warfare
    1. The certainty of the elite 1% that it is their right to have more at the expense of the many.
    2. An expletive aimed by the elite at the lower classes when they start to realize they are being screwed over.

    Al Sasiadek


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