Stop the Madness
I think the world has gone mad and I believe that the proof is in advertising. If you think we're out of the recession, you could be right, but what you would have failed to realize is that advertisers believe we should go for another spin. Why else would there be ads encouraging the unemployed to go out and buy a new car. I'm not talking about some local unscrupulous, sleazy car salesman, these ads are from a major auto manufacturer. The woman in the commercial I am thinking of actually claims that she got laid off earlier in the year, so she decided to buy a new car. Now, I understand that it is most likely a complete necessity to have a reliable means of transportation, but it also seems that there should be a feasible alternative to buying a brand new car. This commercial doesn't sound reasonable from a business standpoint? What it sound like is an ad for a check cashing place, but I doubt that even a check cashing place would take checks from the unemployed....