
Banks used to GET robbed

The following is an excerpt (updated March 02, 2020) from my book Solutions: Enough complaining. Let's fix America,   which can be bought at the links listed below. “What purpose do banks serve to the masses anymore?”     Do banks pay any interest these days?  Or, more accurately, do they pay appreciable interest that helps the communities in which they reside.  How does one benefit from a savings account today?  At least with a checking account, paying bills is made easier, but is convenience the only standard that we should have for banks?  Aren’t banks and all businesses as much a part of the community as any individual living within that community?  While the corporation under which a particular bank may operate may be headquartered in some other state, the people employed in a local branch live in the communities in which they work.  And, as members of the community, how do banks treat the rest of us?  In my own perso...

Relax, you won't have to sleep on the streets forever

Have you seen the commercial in which a young boy tells the viewer to deal with homelessness by overcoming homelessness?  You know the one where it is implied that "you too could make it out of poverty" and all you have to do is ignore your own poverty and concentrate on being the best.  In this case, being the best at football was what got this boy out of poverty and into the one percent.  It was his drive and determination and the millions of positions available in the NFL...  Oh, wait. How many starting positions are there in the NFL?  For that matter, how many positions are there in the NFL period?  And, if you're not a star in the NFL, how much do you make and how long can you live off that pay when you only have a limited number of years to batter and abuse your body for the delight of the fans, the needs of the family and the handouts of the billionaires in the sky-boxes. To put it in terms that the majority of us can relate to, if you aren't the...

America in decline...Can we stop it?

    As those in the one percent of the one percent play with the stock market in an attempt to pilfer the last  $1000 dollars that most America can't even save for an emergency (, America moves ever so closer to moral, social, economic and environmental collapse, the last two impacting the entire planet to varying degrees.  When certain Chinese debt is considered less risky than its American counterpart around the world,  ( a sincere and thorough investigation of America's financial viability into the future is warranted.  As some countries seek to usurp the dollar as the World's reserve currency, while others away from the Petrodollar, ( America's influence and ...
Here are the links for all of the sources used in "Solution: Enough complaining. Let's fix America!" They are presented here as they appear in the book.  Just copy and past the URL into your browser address bar. 001 Confession of an Economic hitman Book John Perkins on Amazon VI 002 How America Made ISIS Article Huffington Post VI 003 Armed Fake Protester Planted By Oil Company Video Youtube VIII 004 400 Richest Americans Wikipedia Wikipedia 2 005 Nestl‚ CEO Peter Brabeck says water is not a right. Interview Youtube 5
Solutions: Enough complaining. Let's fix America The above link is to the Introduction and the first chapter of my "Solution: Enough complaining. Let's fix America.  I for one have grown tired of the endless complaints seen on the news every night.  By now, we all know what the problems are.  What we need are answers and that is why I wrote my book.  If interested in reading the entire book, please contact me at

People make up a nation

A country only exists because of the people who created it: No country existed before people settled there and named it. Today, countries only exist because of the people within. If a country fails its people it has failed to fulfill its only real purpose: 1) 40 million face food insecurity in America everyday, while Jeff Bezos sits on $150,000,000,000 (that's 150 billion dollars) and earns $250,000,000 (that's 250 million dollars everyday. While Bezos has failed to exhibit any Humanity, America has failed to stop such abhorrent behavior as that exhibited by Bezos. 2) America has incarcerated 2.3 million people, many for non-violent drug offenses and some for life, for stealing things like $153 dollars of compact discs. 2.3 million people is more people than were enslaved at the height of slavery in 1850 as well as 25% of those incarcerated on the entire planet. America only holds 5% of the entire planets population, but it incarcerates 25% of the planets imprisoned people. 3) ...

Greed Over People . . . GOP

It seems odd to me that all of those Christian activists (from the 80s) who complained so much about backward, demonic lyrics in rock and roll and rap songs don't seem to have an issue with all of the overt advertisements that tell people to be bad.  It seems quite hypocritical that they took groups like Judas Priest to court over some muddled message that could only be understood if you played the record backwards, but not said a word about advertisements that openly attempt to influence the public. Think about this:  It is a marketing firms job to get people to believe the message in their commercials and they are advertising bad behavior.  It's not their job to possibly influence behavior or maybe get a few people to lean towards whatever product they're peddling.  It is their job to get as many people as possible to not only buy the product, but to also buy the implied way of life that their product promises . . . and it works.  Otherwise, we would not hav...