People make up a nation

A country only exists because of the people who created it: No country existed before people settled there and named it. Today, countries only exist because of the people within. If a country fails its people it has failed to fulfill its only real purpose: 1) 40 million face food insecurity in America everyday, while Jeff Bezos sits on $150,000,000,000 (that's 150 billion dollars) and earns $250,000,000 (that's 250 million dollars everyday. While Bezos has failed to exhibit any Humanity, America has failed to stop such abhorrent behavior as that exhibited by Bezos. 2) America has incarcerated 2.3 million people, many for non-violent drug offenses and some for life, for stealing things like $153 dollars of compact discs. 2.3 million people is more people than were enslaved at the height of slavery in 1850 as well as 25% of those incarcerated on the entire planet. America only holds 5% of the entire planets population, but it incarcerates 25% of the planets imprisoned people. 3) 50 corporations like Victoria's Secret and McDonald's paid private prison corporations for the use of the convicts/slaves in their care, which in turn paid the convicts/slaves as little as $1 per day. These convicts/slaves own a debt to Society and to their victims, not Victoria's Secret or McDonald's. 4) Schools in the Northeast have had to close and send children home early because they couldn't afford the air conditioners necessary to keep the kids cool in classrooms that are making the idea of climate change more apparent. Other schools have had to shut down because they could seem to keep the lead out of their water fountains. 5) Vulture Capitalists not only bought up houses that had been foreclosed on, but they paid homeless people to move out the belongings of those who had just lost their homes to the very same Vulture Capitalists. This list goes on and on and on, while some of those in the United States Congress have held office since 1973. America is and has failed too many of its citizens to be considered a success, let alone great. We all know there's something wrong and in most cases we even know what is wrong, because it's on the news every night and in the newspaper every morning. In other words, we've heard all of the complaints. Now, it's time for someone to provide solutions and that is why I wrote my book by the same name: Solutions: Enough complaints. Let's fix America. In "Solutions" I address the issues we face, but I also propose solutions to them all. It is not my intention to say that I have all of the answers, so some of the solutions I propose are my own, while others are not. It is also not my intention to claim that the solutions I propose are the final solutions, because answers to our problems will forever evolve. In "Solutions", I merely seek to point out that there are answers to our biggest problems and to highlight the fact that far too few of our current leaders are providing or even suggestion fixes.


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