America in decline...Can we stop it?

    As those in the one percent of the one percent play with the stock market in an attempt to pilfer the last  $1000 dollars that most America can't even save for an emergency (, America moves ever so closer to moral, social, economic and environmental collapse, the last two impacting the entire planet to varying degrees.  When certain Chinese debt is considered less risky than its American counterpart around the world,
 ( a sincere and thorough investigation of America's financial viability into the future is warranted.  As some countries seek to usurp the dollar as the World's reserve currency, while others away from the Petrodollar, ( America's influence and practices around the Globe should be questioned.  None of the issues conveyed above or their possible outcomes, however, will be discussed by those with the power to alter our current destructive path (the Federal Reserve, Congress, etc.) nor monitored by those who seek to lead us away from the cliff towards which we are currently barrelling, nor considered by those with the power (the Main Stream Media) to point out the wounds we are inflicting upon ourselves and the entire Human-race.  Even though there are possible solutions to the most grave of issues we face as a nation and a species, those in control of our economy, media, health and, well-being are choosing to ignore the fate to which they too will be condemned as they turn all of Earth into one gigantic, impoverished ghetto.
    This is why I started this blog, which contains articles dating back to 2011 and expresses my views as to why I believe America has been in decline since the 80s.  Though some of the specifics of my views have changed, (ie. which political party is to blame) the sentiment remains the same...  If we are going to survive, as a people, a country and a species, we must shed our ignorance, help those who fail to do so and stop those who are "leading" us to oblivion.  This is also why I started my petition to "End the Job Creator Myth", which seeks to enlighten the masses as to what Trickle Down actually means for the majority of our citizens.  Lastly, this is why I wrote my book "Solutions: Enough complaining. Let's fix America", which proposes answers to the problems we face as well as potential changes that could help us avoid the bleak and dystopian future to which GREED, narcissism, immorality and, sociopathy are currently condemning us all.
    Below are the links to my petition as well as my book.  read both, sign one and buy the other.  If you are an Android user (tablet, smartphone, etc.) you can get 3 FREE chapters of my book solutions at the link provided below.

Click on the following link to read and sign my petition which explains why we should NOT give the wealthy our money in the form of tax breaks:

End the Job Creator Myth

Click on one of the links below to read my book, which addresses the biggest issues we face as a country and a species and offers suggestions to avoid a fate as grim as self-extinction.

Amazon Kindle link: "Solutions: Enough complaining. Let's fix America"

Amazon Paperback link:  "Solutions: Enough complaining. Let's fix America"

Google Play Store link:  "Solutions: Enough complaining. Let's fix America"

Link to the free Android app version, which contains the first 3 chapters of my book "Solutions..." as well as all of the links cited in the book and more.

Google Play Store link:  "Solutions: Enough complaining. Let's fix America"


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