
Showing posts with the label disaster relief

Politics Affect on Hurricane Preparedness

This is the speech I gave this past Saturday August 18th at Storm Expo 2012. Hello, I would like to address the ways in which politics play a role in hurricane preparedness. Fortunately, we have not experienced any hurricanes in South Florida thus far this year and hopefully, we will be spared this fate for the remainder of the season.   As for believing that we will never be faced with the devastation that a hurricane can cause, no one here is that naive.   The best we can do is to mitigate the potential damage by being as prepared as we possibly can be when the next storm strikes. Having emergency supplies on hand can greatly reduce the pain of loss as well as mean the difference between life and death.   If municipal water supplies are cut off or contaminated, a set aside of five gallons of water can not only provide the sustenance a family may need, but also serve to buoy their spirits until assistance can arrive; If that five gallons runs out, bleach ca...