Hopes for a post COVID-19 world

Besides coming out of this pandemic safe, my biggest hope for Humanity is that we all come away with the following:

) A sense of unity instead of the divisiveness so many currently believe to be inevitable:

Example: The only people that declaring one's self "red" or "blue", "left" or "right" benefits are those who profit from such ideology.

2) An understanding that we all need greater awareness of those things needed for survival.  In that regard, centralized systems like corporate food suppliers, corporate energy suppliers, municipal water suppliers, and any other centralized systems that make our lives dependent upon profit-driven entities should be diminished or eliminated whenever and wherever possible:

Example: Lawns may be beautiful, but you can't eat them, so wouldn't victory gardens be more appealing than shipments of processed trucked hundreds or thousands of miles. Now, I understand we cannot currently support our families, friends or communities on victory gardens, but we could start with them as a supplement as we expand on them over time.  Imagine the entire nation as one giant source of fresh produce.

3) Those who claim to be leading us into a brighter future have been doing so for quite some time, decades in some instances, but life for far too many has only more devastating in that time. Therefore, my hope is that people will become be more discerning in regards to what our leaders say, as opposed to what they do and to compare both their words and actions to what they see in the real world.

Example:  If your own personal economy has not been improved by broken promises, vote for someone else during the next election. And, while voting for the other candidate, don't be fooled by the "Government moves slowly" excuse for reelection, because the Government always seems to move at lightning speed when it benefits the rich.

There are of course more hopes that I have for the country and many more ideas I would love to share, but I don't like wasting my time... too much that is.  For this reason, I see what kind of response this post receives before sharing more hopes, dreams, and ideas for a post-COVID-19 world. I hope its more than when I was accused of fat-shaming mannequins.


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