Stop Ted Cruz

To all supporters,

The petition is still building momentum and now the organization MoveOn is getting behind it by offering to assist in my efforts to reach out to like-minded individuals who hope for a brighter furture.  I intend to deliver this petition to progressive organizations (ie. MoveOn, Democracy for America, etc) to build a consensus about Senator Ted Cruz and the harm he and others like him are causing our great country.  If anyone out there can suggest or recommend any other influential sources to which I should deliver this petition, please feel free to let me know.

At this time, I am preparing press releases to announce these effort and hopefully garner interest from local and national news media.  What I need from you guys is to continue to share the link for this petition (, because we don't need Ted Cruz gaining traction in any way, shape or form.  He has shown that he is not worthy to hold a position of leadership, at least not one that affects the lives of millions of people, so he must go.  The only way we can guarantee the end of his career is by taking action now, because it is not only the visible Cruz (the one on TV) that should worry us, but the one who is raising money behind the scenes to defeat competent candidates in the future.

Thanks for your support,

Chris Ossman


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