Identifying Mitt Romney

Here is the latest addition to the R.A.D. Dictionary.  To see other half-serious definitions about politics click on the RAD Dictionary page.

Mitt Romney's ID adj
People wonder who Mitt Romney really is: Is he a conservative or is he a liberal? He's identified himself as both at one time or another, so here are some of Mitt's IDs:
1. IDK - I Don't Know
2. IDC - I Don't Care
3. IDL - I D Laws or I Don't Lie
* - One is an attempt to help him win illegitimately, the other will help him lose legitimately
4. IDM - It Doesn't Matter
5. IDA - I Don't Apologize
6. IDP - I Don't Plan or I Don't Provide
* - Depending on whether he's talking about the nation or his taxe

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