Can the banks be directly blamed for the plight of those they wish to foreclose on?

I, for one, am interested in whether a actual link can be made between the banks and those people upon whom the banks are so actively foreclosing. Can some research follow a chain of custody that leads directly from the underwater, unemployed, homeowner to their former employer, to whatever entity financed that former employer. In the research that I envision, analysts would speak to homeowners who had lost their jobs and were now on the verge of losing their homes. Eventually the research would begin to profile people who were recently laid off, but a good start would be those who have the greatest need. The analyst would then root out where the company of the person with the hardship received the credit that allowed it to make payroll month in and month out. Said analysts would then expose the bank that refused to loan money or extend credit to keep the company operational, especially those that received any of the bailout money from the federal government. It is my hope that through this research, blame could be placed on the banks for causing the lose of an individual's income, which directly led to that individual losing their home. Put another way, the research would implicate the loan shark who broke the legs of the indebted (or incapacitated them in some other way) and still demanded their money at a VAR (variable adjusted rate). Are there any researchers and grant writers out there who would be interested in taking on this challenge? Contact me at and put "Holding Banks Accountable" in the subject line.

And for a comparison to fraud committed in the past, ie the savings and loan scam, here is an interview with the man, Bill Black who prsecuted the guilty in those cases:

Here is Mr. Black warning that our regulators can't continue with business as usual:


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