The GOP claims that the Health Care Reform Repeal Bill is the mandate that was implied by the results of the past mid-term elections, but is this truly what the American public wants. While some may not be completely satisfied with the watered down version of the Health Care Reform Act (no public option) that did pass, it was at minimum a step in the right direction. For far too long, America's Health Care system have failed too many of its citizens and the strides that the Obama administration has made in this regard is a welcomed change to what "We the People", got the 8 years prior (war, debt, reduction in the middle class). In my humble opinion, when all of those fixtures on Capitol Hill complain and fight so adamantly, as the Republicans and Big Business have, against ideas such as those proposed by the Obama administration, the ideas must be helping wrong people (in the Republicans eyes). These bills and reform acts must be actually helping the people...
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