Floridians Are Maybe Starting To Understand Their Governor Is A Grifter

I hope we (I am a Florida resident) can impeach Rick Scott, because him and his kind are not good for Florida, the US or the world. People like Scott (both the Walker (WI) and Rick persuasion­­s are bad for the economy. Their actions ultimately harm more people than the most prolific serial killer, but their actions are considered legal. What else is Rick Scott going to take away from the working poor to give to the rich (individua­ls and corporatio­ns) who promise to trickle down onto the shrinking middle class?

I voted for Sink, because I surmised (quite correctly) that anyone willing to put up $72 million of his own money to get elected had a plan to not only recoup, but to profit. I feel like doing what Forrest Gump did and start walking until I get to Georgia and then keep walking until I find a Blue State.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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